Tax Helpline Priority

MyPoM Plus users can access our tax helpline without delay


When tax season hits, time becomes your most valuable asset. Delays and unanswered questions can be costly, both in missed deadlines and wasted hours on hold.


As a member of our MyPoM Plus, you gain exclusive access to our priority tax helpline, putting you at the front of the line for expert assistance whenever you need it.


Imagine encountering a complex form or an unexpected audit notice. As a member, your call gets prioritised, connecting you directly with qualified tax professionals who can quickly answer your questions and guide you through the process.


No more waiting on hold, frustration mounting, or precious tax-filing time slipping away. Our priority helpline offers:


  • Fast response times: Minimize wait time and get your questions answered efficiently by experienced tax professionals.
  • Direct access to experts: Speak directly to qualified tax advisors who understand your specific needs and can provide tailored guidance.
  • Peace of mind: Knowing you have priority access to expert support throughout the tax season allows you to focus on running your business with confidence.


Don’t let tax season derail your progress.


Become a member today and join the exclusive group that enjoys peace of mind with priority access to our expert tax helpline. Start filing with confidence and optimise your tax season experience.