MyPoM provides
peace of mind
for all types of worker

The UK workforce is a diverse tapestry, woven from threads of varying employment.

We have employees, the backbone of many businesses, with guaranteed hours and defined rights.

Workers, often found in the gig economy, occupy a middle ground, enjoying some, but not all, of the protections within employment rights.

Self-employed individuals, from skilled contractors to freelance artists, navigate the independent path, sacrificing employee benefits for freedom and control.

Beyond these, directors steer the ship at companies, and office holders serve in public institutions, each with unique roles and responsibilities.

This spectrum of positions, each contributing their expertise and labour, powers the engine of the UK economy.

Umbrella Workers

Working through an umbrella company is huge in the UK, and MyPoM makes sure that you know your rights and what your employer needs to provide.


Self-employment isn’t easy but MyPoM is here to help. With all the latest insights and guidance as well as best in class offers, MyPoM is here for you.

Limited Co owners

Contracting with your own Ltd Co is a bit of a minefield nowadays, but MyPoM knows all the pitfalls and is here to guide you and give you access to a host of benefits.

Gig Workers

It's a fast-changing landscape for gig workers, with all sorts of new rules coming on almost a weekly basis. Keep yourself up-to-date with the latest developments.

Construction Industry Scheme Workers

CIS workers need to know just what the rules are and how they apply to them. MyPoM knows the rules and keeps a keen eye out for changes and complications.

Agency Temps

The UJ temp market is huge, with many complex rules dictating what your rights are. MyPoM knows them all, so keep yourself up-to-date with regular visits.