Ship Shape

An FCSA Certificated Provider

Certification Expires

May 31, 2023

Services provided

CIS/Self-Employed | Umbrella

FCSA Certificated Companies

Company Reg Number

Assessed for

Umbrella, CIS

Ship Shape


It Pays to be Ship Shape


We are ‘tech savvy’ employment and payroll specialists, using our experience to provide visibly transparent and compliant focused services to End Hirers, Agencies, Contractors and HMRC since 2004.


We’re not biased or pushy; you choose the employment and payroll model that you prefer for your business, and we give you the visibly transparent and auditable supply chain you crave.


Whichever one you choose; we are big enough to cope and small enough to care.


With our experience, gross status, professional legal and tax advisors, transparent systems and accident insurance for contractors, Ship Shape will continue to be a trusted partner to our clients.


We’ll cover compliance, employment and payroll; you focus on growth


If you use a non-compliant payroll provider you will leave yours and your clients’ business, open to financial penalties from HMRC.


UK businesses hiring contractors through UK agencies are at risk if they do not look beyond the agency to check the correct employment and tax status is applied to each contractor.


Ship Shape use and provide (if required) all clients with an online platform (Engage) with visible and auditable transparency of the entire supply chain; enabling agencies to offer their clients a critical piece of added value.


As a ‘tech savvy’ business, the invaluable experience gained during our 18 years of supporting agencies, through the turmoil of multiple legislative changes, Brexit and Covid, we continue to provide efficient and effective support that enable agencies to focus on growth.


With 100% transparency you remove your risks, protect your workers and help your clients


  • Remove your financial risks of having a non-compliant supply chain
  • Obtain 100% compliant employment and payroll models for all sectors and workers
  • Give your clients added value and security with a transparent supply chain
  • Show HMRC your visible and auditable supply chain
  • Enjoy the efficiencies of our registration and compliance platform


Visible compliance throughout the supply chain; for you, your workers, clients and HMRC. Get peace of mind with Ship Shape