Tax Enquiry Cover

Tax enquiry cover, also known as tax investigation insurance, offers freelancers valuable protection against the financial and emotional stress of dealing with inquiries from HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC).


Here’s how it helps:


What is it?

  • It’s a type of insurance that kicks in if HMRC opens an investigation into your tax affairs.
  • This can happen for various reasons, even if you haven’t done anything wrong. It could be a random check, a concern about a certain deduction, or simply a follow-up on a previous return.


What does it cover?

  • Professional fees: The main benefit is covering the cost of legal and accounting support to handle the enquiry. This can include accountants, tax advisors, and sometimes even solicitors, depending on the policy.
  • Stress and time saving: Dealing with HMRC can be complex and time-consuming. Having someone experienced handle it for you relieves you of the burden and lets you focus on your work.
  • Negotiation and representation: Your chosen expert can negotiate with HMRC on your behalf to minimize any potential tax liabilities or penalties.
  • Peace of mind: Knowing you have financial protection and expert guidance during a stressful situation can be invaluable.


Why is it beneficial for freelancers?

  • Freelancers are more likely to be targeted by HMRC: Compared to salaried employees, freelancers’ income can be seen as more irregular, making them appear more prone to errors or tax avoidance.
  • Costly consequences: Even minor discrepancies in your tax return can lead to significant fines and penalties. Tax enquiry cover helps avoid these potential financial burdens.
  • Protection against mistakes: Sometimes, honest mistakes or misunderstandings can trigger an enquiry. The cover ensures you have professional support to navigate the situation effectively.
  • Focus on your work: Dealing with an enquiry can be distracting and time-consuming. With cover, you can delegate the process and stay focused on your freelance projects.


Things to consider:

  • Policy scope: Not all policies cover all types of enquiries or offer the same level of financial protection. Compare policies and choose one that suits your specific needs and budget.
  • Eligibility: Some policies have specific eligibility requirements, such as minimum income levels or years of trading history.
  • Claims process: Understand the claims process and what documentation you need to provide in case of an enquiry.


Overall, tax enquiry cover can be a valuable investment for freelancers, providing financial security and expert support during potentially stressful situations. It gives you peace of mind and protects you against the unexpected costs and challenges of an HMRC enquiry.