Eden Group

An FCSA Certificated Provider

Certification Expires

February 29, 2024

Services provided


FCSA Certificated Companies

Company Name

Company Reg Number

Assessed for


Eden Group

We have been operating in the Recruitment Industry space since 2003. Our founders successfully grew a contract recruitment business from start-up to over £100 million turnover and now use that experience to ensure all EdenGroup contractors are well informed, looked after during their journey with us and are paid accurately and on time. We do this by:


  • working in partnership with agencies to ensure efficiency and completeness in how we communicate assignment and timesheet data between us;
  • Keeping in regular contact with our contractors to ensure they are happy with our service and resolve any queries they may have.


Over 300 agencies outsource their entire back office function to us which further strengthens our link with the agency and gives our contractors additional comfort. Many agencies also use Evertime (evertime.co.uk), our own, in-house developed, cloud-based back office software, to run their own pay and bill which ensures the necessary information is received by us in a format that can be easily processed and contractors paid promptly.



We are the voice of experience and knowledge, helping many contractors and agencies both new and old understand the engagement process and the benefits they will realise from using a trusted, compliant and well-established organisation to work in partnership with.
