The Agency Worker Regulations – what are they then?

Peace of Mind for Modern Workers

PoM's quick guide to the Agency Worker Regulations and how they affect you.
Picture of Chris Bryce

Chris Bryce

The agency conduct regulations are a set of rules that govern how employers must treat workers when they are working for an agency, whether or not they are formally employed by the agency. The regulations are designed to protect workers from exploitation by their employers and to ensure that they are able to carry out their work without fear of harassment or abuse.

The regulations apply to all workers, including temporary workers, agency workers, contract workers, and workers who are self-employed. They apply to both private and public sector employers, and to both small and large organisations.

Main Provisions of the Agency Worker Regulations

1. employers must ensure that workers are treated fairly and without discrimination;
2. employers must ensure that workers are able to carry out their work without fear of harassment or abuse;
3. employers must provide workers with written information about their rights and responsibilities, and ensure that they are able to understand it;
4. employers must take any appropriate measures to protect workers from abuse or harassment, including by providing them with appropriate protective equipment;
5. employers must ensure that workers are paid the correct wages and salaries, and in accordance with any contractual provisions;
6. employers must provide workers with a written statement of their rights to holidays and sick leave, and a copy of their contract of employment;
7. employers must provide workers with a written statement of their right to refuse work, and a copy of their contract of employment; and
8. employers must take appropriate measures to ensure that workers are able to take breaks and properly rest and recover from their work.

The agency worker regulations are designed to protect workers from exploitation by their employers and to ensure that they are able to carry out their work without fear of harassment or abuse. They apply to all workers, including temporary workers, agency workers, contract workers, and workers who are self-employed. They apply to both private and public sector employers, and to both small and large organisations.

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