About us

Peace of Mind for Modern Workers

We understand that modern work isn't 9-5

All of us at PoM have worked the way you do. Either for ourselves or running our own companies. We know the upsides and the challenges and we understand what it means to have a friend to walk the journey with us.

MyPoM's Story & Vision

MyPoM was born out of a recognition that the way you work is also the way millions of others work but that there’s no single community to share experiences and offer advice.

Sure, there’s plenty of companies who’ll sell you the stuff you need – and we offer that too – but what MyPoM really wants to do is to bring all of us together to share our wisdom and knowledge and, who knows, maybe have a little bit of fun along the way.

A Powerful Community of Successful Freelancers

Ever wondered why regular full-time employees get all the good stuff, but you can’t because od the way you work? Well, think of it like this – if you were supplying stuff to a market, what’s easier for you, speaking to 20,000 individuals or doing a deal with one company with 20,000 employees? It’s a no-brainer right?

That’s where PoM comes in. We can get the cool stuff employees get and give it to our community. What’s more we can hear your voice and reach out to the big guys on your behalf.

And the more people who join PoM on this journey, the better we can do together.

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Umbrella workers

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CIS Workers

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Ltd Co owners

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